
Will you buy backlinks for better rankings?


Many search engine optimizers (if they even engage in paid link building) would rather not admit to it publicly. Maybe that's why it's both curiously alluring and freakishly risky as a strategy. To buy backlinks that work go to the Rankers Paradise website now.

In order to get an accurate picture of how SEO professionals feel about bought link building, I interviewed ten of them and asked for their candid (and anonymous) feedback. What's the deal, though? If so, what tactics do they employ? I questioned 10 specialists, and just 2 of them stated they ever bought links. A total of 8 respondents said they engage in sponsored link building and were open to discussing their methods. The most important points discussed may be found here.

However, I feel the need to issue a hefty caveat before we proceed:

Note that I am not suggesting that you go out and purchase links as a result of reading this article. We caution against buying links since it might lead to a penalty from Google. In order to make an informed decision on link purchases, you must be aware of the potential downsides.

Specifically, the meaning to buy backlinks?

When I initially started asking search engine optimizers (SEOs) about purchased links, a common response was, "What do you call a paid link?" Does a "sponsored" link in a guest post count as a paid link?

I checked Google's policies for the term. Included in Google's definition of purchasing PageRank-passing links are:

[...] exchanging money for links or posts containing links; [...] exchanging goods or services for links; [...] sending someone a "free" product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link; [...] sending someone a "free" product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link.

For the sake of clarity, let me define "paid links" as any link gained for financial consideration (or in return for goods and services), and that includes links obtained through sponsored guest posts.

So now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about the specifics of how seasoned SEO veterans charge for link building services. Here are their methods for evaluating a sponsored link's worth, cutting down on possible dangers, and avoiding common errors.

What their secret is

A. When.

A number of professionals I consulted advised against pursuing purchased links while first establishing a site's link profile. You should (a) have a link profile with quality backlinks that you've established yourself or that have built organically over time before you consider purchasing links, and (b) know your topic and your competition through and out before you consider buying links.

2. Pace.

The SEOs I talked with all stressed the importance of taking one's time when purchasing links and never buying links in quantity. Thus, you should never strive to purchase links quickly; first, a sudden inflow of backlinks probably won't appear very natural in your profile; and second, you should research possible backlinks in detail before you pay for them (more on that later). Some SEOs have even gone so far as to reveal a strict regimen for managing their bought connections. Typically, a new site will have a small number of links in the first month (between one and five) and then increase those connections over the following months.

Third, the number of items.

Experts agree that purchased link development should never be your only or even major strategy for increasing inbound links. When asked what percentage of bought links in an overall link profile is acceptable, experts gave numbers between 10% and 25%. As a result, you'll need to rely on organic growth and personal connections for the bulk of your linkage. In the long run, this will make your link profile seem better.

Having good quality is the fourth.

All the folks I talked with stressed the need of doing a thorough quality study prior to pursuing a backlink, as I said before. Here are some of the most crucial things to look for, both on the page and domain levels (if the page you're trying to gain a link from isn't live (for example, if it's a potential sponsored post on a blog), analyze things on the domain level).

Search engine indexing (especially on Google). Run a Google search for (change "" with the URL of the domain you're investigating) to find out whether the site you're attempting to gain a link from returns any results.

Web traffic and PageRank. If you want to know how much weight a link from that site will have on your search engine rankings, check its PageRank. If it has a low PageRank, it's probably spammy or of poor quality, therefore you should avoid it. There are a few good alternatives to Google's defunct PageRank algorithm now that the company has stopped offering it to the public. With SEO PowerSuite's InLink Rank and SEO SpyGlass, this is easily checked.

After setting up a new project for your website, go to the tool's Backlinks dashboard and choose the InLink Rank/Domain InLink Rank option. To add a backlink, right-click a row in the table, choose Add backlinks, and enter the URL of the page (or domain, if there is no page) you want to link to. Make sure you tag these pages so that your information doesn't get jumbled up. Simply go to that section of your project and click Update InLink Rank.

External link count. When Google sees a site with over 100 external links, it takes it as a warning indicator of spam. The amount of PageRank transferred to your website will also decrease if there are already a lot of links on the page you're trying to link to. That's why, while evaluating a possible backlink, it's important to check out the page's outbound links as well. SEO SpyGlass makes it simple to do so as well. Select the column header you'd want to add External links to, right-click it in your SEO SpyGlass workspace, and then click OK.

Click Update Backlinks once you've settled on the potential connection you want to examine. Select the pending updates for the Backlink Page Information box and continue. The total number of external links will be shown in a minute.

Domain backstory. WhoIs Site Lookup is an effective (and free) tool for assessing a variety of valuable statistics about the domain you're hoping to get a link from. Pay close attention to the domain's Registrar History (watch out for drops or very recent changes; these may imply someone just acquired a decent domain, which can often lead to an impending drop in quality), IP Address (if the number of sites hosted on the same server is over 30, you might be dealing with a PBN or link farm; if it's in the hundreds, you almost certainly are), and Dates.

A website's standing in Alexa's rankings. While not infallible, Alexa provides one of the most reliable estimates of a website's traffic. Several search engine optimizers I talked with advised checking the Alexa Rank of the linking site to ensure it received at least the typical amount of traffic for its category. To get a site's Alexa ranking, you can either visit the site directly or (surprise!) use SEO SpyGlass by include the Alexa Rank column in your data set.

After that, choose the collection of variables known as Backlink Authority, and click Update Backlinks once again.

Indicators of social interaction. Social signals should not be relied upon as the only criterion for assessment, but they are a helpful indicator of whether or not the page is actively maintained and receives any meaningful traffic. You may include both of these elements on your SEO SpyGlass dashboard. Simply right-click the column heading of your SEO SpyGlass project and choose the options under Social media popularity.

Once you've finished, go to Popularity in Social Media and Update Backlinks for the page you've been analyzing.

fifthly, it is relevant

All of the professionals I consulted emphasized the importance of being relevant. In order to boost their rankings, they focus only on gaining inbound links from sites that are relevant to their particular market. Every page, not only the one with the backlinks, is subject to this rule.

6 - Text to link to

Four out of the six specialists I surveyed said they only utilize the target term in the anchor text if they absolutely had to (and even then, only up to 10% of the time). A further four said that they would not suggest utilizing keywords from the anchor text. All SEOs agreed that purchased links should have as much variety in anchor text as feasible. Perhaps the most popular kind of anchor text used by them is brand-named anchors.

Seventh, where to put links

In response... It was also brought to my attention that the text before and after the link was mentioned. They recommended that you use content that is very relevant to your area and may even include keyword targets.

Take Charge: No. 8 Administration

Finally (and this applies to all types of connections you develop), it's just as crucial, if not more so, to manage your backlinks as it is to acquire them. Checking the links once a month is a good starting point. Common items to check throughout this process include:

The quality and authority of the backlinked page have not declined;

This page is still active;

You can locate this connection on the backlink page.

the nofollow attribute has not been set on the link;

The anchor text of the link remains the same.

All of these may be inspected with only three criteria in SEO SpyGlass: Penalty Risk for the first, Links Back for the following three, and Anchor Text for the last.

You may do this by including the URLs you want to track in your SEO SpyGlass project (by right-clicking any of the records in it and hitting Add backlinks). Tags placed on links help you quickly find them in your project.

After that, choose the links you want to verify and then click Update Backlinks. Select Backlink Page Info and Penalty Risk from the list of options for revision.

Be patient while I run the check. SEO SpyGlass really visits every backlink page to validate the connection and its information, and analyzes hundreds of quality variables (including indexation, InLink Rank, etc.) to determine Penalty Risk, so the process might take some time if you have a lot of links to review. When it's finished, you'll be able to see the backlink information in the Backlinks tab (under the Links Back and Anchor Text columns) and the Link penalty risk tab to evaluate the potential consequences of those backlinks.

Why they don't do it and how they don't

The first is a system of connections accessible from wherever on the site.

When asked about buying links in the sidebar, footer, or other navigation places, most SEOs emphatically said that they never, ever do so.

User-created links, second.

Second most prevalent warning: don't pay for any connections from your audience. Comments on blogs and forums, as well as bookmarked pages and links shared on social bookmarking sites like Reddit, are examples.

Finally, "backlink package" vendors.

Purchasing a backlink package or using a backlink agency is a certain method to have your site penalized by Google. Buying a box from a seller on Fiverr is one of the most risky things you can do.

Fourthly, a service for selling links.

One SEO has been hit with a penalty that was brought on by a customer who had purchased a link selling service package, and is just now beginning to make a full recovery. Avoid centralized systems (like Sape), since search engines tend to punish these networks and their "customers" in the long run.

Removed domains, number five.

It's also unethical to purchase backlinks from dropped domains (web addresses that have expired and been picked up by a new owner). Even though they seem legitimate at first glance, they are often transformed into article or link farms. You may get advice on how to spot abandoned domains by visiting Domain History.

Six. Websites with plenty of ads but little actual content.

Avoid sites that were built only to profit from advertising and affiliate marketing. This is probably going to be punished at some time (remember Fred?).

7. Unlisted websites that search engines can't find.

Even though I've previously brought it up, I feel it's important enough to reiterate because of how much emphasis this subject was given by the experts. You should never obtain connections from sites that Google has blacklisted, and you should always run a fast check search before making any decisions.

8. Websites that advertise their link-selling policies prominently.

It's very obvious that search engines will find a site that openly advertises that it sells links if that site is visited (or reported to them by a good samaritan).

In closing, here are some illuminating data on the link-selling market.

Backlinks were the subject of an in-depth analysis by ahrefs last year. They chose to contact 50 sites in each of the five most competitive areas (travel, fashion, fitness, finance, and weddings). These fascinating findings are what they came up with:

Sixty-eight percent of sites said they do provide link sales. Of the 68 webmasters who responded to our emails, 46 indicated they do sell links, while 22 said they do not.

One in eighteen (13%) sites that accepted a link sale required that the link be put in a "sponsored" article.

That the link not be nofollow wasn't required by any of the sites.

The average price of a connection was $353. The lowest estimate I received was about $101.

Last but not least

Is it a good idea, therefore, for your company to pay for backlinks? When in doubt, saying "no" is the correct and secure response. It's quite dangerous, but it may also be very useful. If you're a natural gambler who knows what they're getting into... In any case, the ball is in your court. If you're willing to take the chance, consider the advice given above and steer clear of the pitfalls.

What you say goes from here on out. How do you feel about the practice of purchasing links? Do you have any stories to tell or examples to offer? What do you think? Comment below and let me know!

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