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Understanding Domestic Partnership Texas Vs. Marriage


You may have heard people joke around about domestic partnerships in Texas before, but the truth is that they may have a few distinct advantages you were not previously aware of. First, despite what many people think, domestic partnerships are pretty different than legal marriage.

While many people only think of domestic partnerships regarding same-sex couples, just about anyone can legally file for a domestic partnership if they meet specific requirements. However, here are a few differences between domestic partnerships and marriage that may be helpful to you.

What Is A Domestic Partnership?

Before we understand the differences between domestic partnership and marriage, it is essential to understand a domestic partnership precisely. While it was initially designed to give same-sex couples the basic legal protections granted to a married couple, the provision is now available to any couples who cohabitate.

The legal benefits vary from state to state. Still, in many cases, the domestic partnership allows you to carry your partner on health and dental insurance, as well as to be considered next of kin for estate planning and last will and purposes.

A Formal Application

Many couples may refer to themselves as domestic partners, but the proper legal action must be taken to receive any of the actual benefits that a domestic partnership entails.

However, there are fewer formalities when it comes to dissolving a domestic partnership. Considering that the probability of a first marriage ending is 33% after ten years, divorce law is less appealing than a simple court order.

Disadvantages Exist

While a domestic partnership might seem like a great alternative to marriage, the truth is that you will not receive many of the legal benefits marriage has to offer.

For example, a domestic partnership still requires separate tax returns and may not receive Social Security benefits from each other. If these legal benefits are essential to you, you may want to consider marriage over a domestic partnership.

There are several differences between domestic partnership and marriage, but ultimately the decision hinges on which legal benefits are the most important to you.

Rights Associated With Domestic Partnerships

Domestic partnerships do not confer all rights and responsibilities that are available in marriage. They do, however, offer the following rights:

● Same testimonial privileges as a marriage

● Right to file joint state / federal tax returns

● Right to sue for the wrongful death of the partner

● Right to visit a partner in the hospital

● Directly to automatically inherit property from partner if they die without a will

Things To Know And Do About What Is Domestic Assault

Domestic violence, or family violence, is violent, abusive, or intimidating behavior in a relationship. There are many types of domestic violence, including emotional, sexual, social, financial, spiritual, and physical abuse.

What Is Domestic Violence?

For violence to be ‘domestic,’ it doesn’t have to occur within your home, only within a relationship (with a family member or an intimate partner). It occurs when someone close to you has power and control over you. This control or abuse can be expressed in different ways.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse often goes unrecognized, but it can be very hurtful. Someone who is emotionally abusive towards you wants to chip away at your feelings of self-worth and independence.

Social Abuse

Social, domestic violence occurs when someone insults or humiliates you in front of other people, keeps you isolated from family and friends, or controls what you do and where you go.

Financial Abuse

If someone close to you controls your finances and access to money and keeps you financially dependent on them constantly to ask them for money, this is a form of domestic violence.

How Can You Keep Yourself Safe?

An abuser may try to control you by downplaying the seriousness of what they’re doing to you. As a result, it’s easy to underestimate the amount of danger you’re in. Therefore, it’s essential to protect yourself from harm if you feel that you get abused.

You never have to do this alone. You must have support.

Get Support

Deciding to leave a situation where you feel unsafe may be complex and scary. If possible, talk to someone you trust, such as friends, counselors, or youth workers.

Go To A Refuge

A shelter or refuge is a place where you can seek temporary accommodation. They will help you with a plan for longer-term housing last will.

There are usually other services available to refugees, including legal advice, emotional support, practical help (such as food and clothing), and good security.


Couples, who do not wish to marry but share life, can get into a domestic partnership in Texas. It is when the partnership includes shared assets, income, or debts during the relationship.

Registered domestic partnerships also exist. This is obtained through an agreement between two parties who are a minimum of 18 years old. No marriage ceremony of any kind is required for the parties to enter this binding contract. They must simply file a signed and notarized declaration of domestic partnership with the county clerk.

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Understanding Domestic Partnership Texas Vs. Marriage

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Updated on July 02, 2021

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