
Illustration by @_ximena.arias

To Our Secret Castle - Ch 3


Fane (Chapter 3)

Twenty-one, that's the age wherein an esquire, graduates from being an apprentice knight; but in my case that happened yesterday. 'Embodied-talent' that's how they call me from the young age of nine, when I started as a page. This both made my name loved by instructors and at the same time be on the top of the most popular chart: 'most-hated-people' by various colleagues, which was probably published secretly when I entered the palace.

The news about me getting bullied and nicknamed as an irregular reached my parents like some sort of a quiet echo traveling for four long years. With the help of the king and queen, and their close relationship with them, I was allowed to have a normal and proper training regimen at home, instead of training in the castle, which I almost considered as a prison, if not for the people I had gotten close with.

Various instructors visit me day after day. Other jealous freaks would think that I'm lucky to get such a nice treatment; and would give them another reason to hate little Fane Fautan, but no, life was really hard. Since I'm their only student, all of their attention were focused on me, small mistakes are easily detectable and mistakes meant punishment. All I could say was it's not worth envying at all, if they want to take my position then I'm willing to give it away, well not that I expect anyone to take it. They hate me after all and if there's anything they probably think I deserved it.

A week before my birthday, Sir Maltev turned a paper proposing for me to be promoted into a knight. You may think that he gave his full trust on me, right? like 'hey that's my student' and all but no, he just like to experiment. He only wants to know if I can stand up with the nickname they had given me after all this time. Not that I care much about it, even I don't know why I exceeded the expectations of the teachers. I do what they told me to do so, and I was hated because of it. If possible I only want to become normal, or all along I thought I was normal, but others won't look at me that way except for a few people, aside from my parents.

Anyway, In the battle to knighthood, I was able to defeat all of the opponents they had me fight with, like those tausdrucks and the likes. On the same night, I was promoted into a knight. We held a small and short ceremony. I don't want people knowing about it and make a commotion on how an eighteen year old like me did my way to the top. They would just put all their attention to my parents and think that they only sucked up to the royal family to had me promoted. If only they knew how much bullying and hard work I had to cope up with, then they'd understand; but they didn't experience it the way I did, that's why no one would be able to do so.

Being an irregular isn't fun at all.

I'm standing at the front doors of the king and queen's room and I'm on duty. Well, not really on duty, more of a prop actually. I asked the king, if there's any way to surprise the princess because we haven't seen each other in a while and he recommended this to be the best way to surprise her although I don't see how I'll be able to do so while pretending to be some royal guard, metals covering my face, and obviously unrecognizable. To be honest, even if I was able to think of any other way to surprise the princess, I would still end up doing this because I don't have the heart and courage to reject the king himself, I mean who would, right?

I sent a letter to Freya about a small party that's going to be held at home later tonight. It's festival, and I've got a promotion. I think some rewarding night would be more than enough to make me feel at least, nice.

I dozed off, not intentionally but I can't help it. Who wouldn't? I mean I'm just standing here doing nothing but holding a large spear. I'm glad it didn't fell off, because if it did, wow, that would be really bad. I opened my eyes and was startled to see a girl looking up at me through the helm I'm wearing. I managed to keep my composure not to make any sound. She retreated and did the same at my partner who was standing across.

Freya is wearing a white long dress, something what faeries usually do, but longer.

I opened my mouth attempting to blurt out my first words after months of absence but just before I choke out the words, she started talking first.

"Huh?" she said pressing her finger in the temples of her forehead, vocalizing her thoughts "How would I tell dad his guards are actually sleeping on duty?"

I saw my partner jerked. Sleeping? There's no way she can see through the armor right? But I clearly saw her so... she must have seen my eyes closed.

"Um" She shrugged. "Nobody's going to try and reason it out huh? then." she rested her hand on the handle of the door knob leading to the bedroom "I probably should tell dad." She paused, as if still waiting for someone to still try and talk things out, very Frey-ish thing to do. Her hand atop of the knob, my heartbeat getting faster and faster as if a bomb would detonate it if one single movement was made. There was a deafening silence, no one moved and my head pounded against my borrowed helm. I am almost at the edge of revealing myself. What if I was the only one sleeping? I can't drag my partner who's doing his work properly.

"So..." she continued, as she remove her hand from the grip, which made me relax a little. She turned towards our direction looking side by side "you'll just ignore me? You both don't care because I'm just a princess and I'm not your next queen." She covered her mouth and laughed, a funny forced laugh which made me do the same too "then? should I just sm-"

But a loud creaking of the door made Freya stop. She, I, and my partner looked towards the direction of the sound and found a man with short blue-green hair, wearing a bright smile identical to that of the young prince, "You won't smack anyone darling" the king laughed "Don't go rambo in front of your parent's room."

"No dad, I was you know, try-" Freya smiled shyly, playing with her fingers while trying to reason out. I cracked and my shameless armor gave it away. "Dad! someone moved just now!" she directed her eyes on me and her cheeks flushed with the color of bright red, which brought lively colors to her pale skin. I had to bite my lip to keep myself together.

"Right right," the king said, waving "Let’s be considerate this time. You were acting funny, that’s why. Now come in.” he laid his huge arm around his daughter, trying to lead her into the room; but good ol' Freya glanced over her shoulder to do her own bidding. Her eyes and nose bumped her father's broad muscles like a one-knock-out punch. She covered her nose, and fondled it while looking at her father irritatingly, like she's the boss. This however didn't stop her from her tracks. She plowed under the great mass of arm that managed to give a temporary damage to her nose, making it slide. She leered at me, as if its a good pay back for all the pain she felt along the way, giving me the most mean looking appearance her face could create, which by the way, is as soft as the clouds hovering over the night sky. I have this strong feeling to say sorry because I wasn't intimidated. In fact... I thought it was so cute. The king snaffled her by the shoulder, making her look like some insane captive who has an unfinished business left. Now, I can't keep it to myself and started to laugh real hard but silently, making unnecessary noises because of my armor's uncooperativeness. I gave her a thumbs up, to let her know I am clearly not ignoring her, and well, there's no way I'll ignore her. Her ears turned red as if all the blood has decided to have a vacation there.

She mouthed 'this is not the end.'

And as I was standing there; the door shut, I thought too, yeah, this is not the end.

After awhile the king went out to see me. "Now now there boy." he said as he remove my helm himself and rub my sweaty head. "Don't go bullying my unica." he smiled kindly, reaching for his pocket and gave a me a little box "this is for you." I opened it and saw that it was an earring with the royal family's crest embedded on it "thank you for looking after Freya all this time." I smiled back at him, feeling really grateful for such a beautiful gift.

"Thank you very much, your majesty" I said as I lower my head.

He patted my shoulder and thrusted back my borrowed helm, "and..." he said, rubbing his head, "stop calling me, 'your majesty' or 'king', call me by my name. I've got one you see, and also do the same for Ada. You're like our son so I want you to address me by that. Just like Freya, call us on formalities only on events, because that's a norm you see." he shrugged and laughed "go grab your clothes then come back here. I know Frey will be really delighted to see you."

"Then.. Your m-" I stopped abrutly and cleared my throat "Uncle?" I looked at the king and he just waited, eyes full of elation, like some kid excited for a cotton candy "Um.. Uncle Calum?"

He softly hit my back with his hand and laughed "That's my boy!" yeah right.

I went quickly to my room, which is a guest room by the way, there's no way I'll own a room in the palace. I immediately removed every bit of heavy metal hanging from my body without even opening the lights first. Starting off from my arm gear then to my chest plate. I was midway removing my shirt when

"AH!!" someone screamed

I looked directly into the direction of the sound and saw a girl peeking through my doors. I quickly ran towards her and covered her mouth. "The heck are you doing?!" I asked, but all she did in response was to fight her way out but there's no way to loosen my grip. "Who are you?!" I added, steadily. I pulled her inside the room and closed the door behind. I turned the light on to identify the person.

It's Elsinor, Freya's attendant, and my friend? I guess, or I hope we're friends. Life would be easier if we really are.

I sighed, released her and passed my hand over her head "Don't surprise me like that." I said, trying to sound like a scared child. I headed towards the washroom, and removed my shirt. I grabbed some wet cloth and rubbed it against my skin, to somewhat clean it up. I can't have an audience with the king and queen being this sweaty right? Uncle Cal might feel bad for giving a slob person a priced earring. "It's not normal to sneak up like that." I said as I glance over Elsinor's direction, and continued to wash my face "People might think I did something bad to you, your voice came from my room's direction after all."

She looked downwards and pouted, "I'm sorry but you're the one who scared me." she said "You even covered my mouth and dragged me inside."

I gave her a heartfelt laugh, "Hey, I think you're taking it the wrong way. That's not the issue here. I just can't add anymore stain to my name, you know how much dirt people keep on filling into it and a scandal would be more than bad; and I dragged you because I know you're aware who's residing in this room at the present time. I mean, it's written in front of the door right? M-r. F-a-u-t-a-n, Fautan it said." I said emphasizing each letter, like a grade school teacher would "if there's someone who should be scared then it should be me right? Anyway, could we talk later? I mean, aren't you a bit uncomfortable with me right now? I'm half naked if in case you're not aware."

She stood up and faced the wall "I can't see anything, it's dark after all" sounding defensive. "I'm leaving then, see you around. M-r. F-a-u-t-a-n" spelling out the name sarcastically, as if its a good payback.

She closed the door with a loud bang. Older women are scary. I don't even have any issue with Elsinor but it seems that she hates me so much. We are of the same age, but I'm younger in months and we just don't seem to naturally get along, like most people would. Well I guess, she's just over protective of her lady. She could even throw harsh words like 'you should not play with Freya.', 'Your presence makes her reputation bad.', 'Get lost.', I don't hate her, seriously, I'm honest here; I think she's just acting like how most older siblings would if their younger sibling was found playing with a delinquent. That's how they see me after all and it can't be helped. My words to her just probably passed over her ears not minding any syllable affect her like how I usually treat her words.

After quick freshening up, I was able to manage and make myself presentable. I quickly checked myself up in the mirror, fixing my frock here and there, and wore the earring the king gave me.

I was walking through the corridor when someone pulled my frock and asked, "Fane?" I glanced over my shoulder and saw no one. By then I already realized who it must be so I directed my eyes downward and as expected, saw a small figure who looks identical to the queen. I lowered myself to see Euciel face to face.

"Hey there!" I greeted as I caress his small head while his one eye closed, probably because of the pressure my hand is causing. "How have you been?"

His blue eyes shone with so much excitement "I'm good I'm good!" He bit his lip and swayed, uh, this kid is so cute "Can you - " he asked or at least he attempted to; but was immediately cut off.

"If you have a request then, I'll volunteer for it" Lantis said, patting Euciel's head. My old friend. "It's been quite sometime Fane!" he said as I stood up and gave a short man hug.

"It's been a long time man!"

"What about some drink?"

"Actually, I'm off to see Freya now."

"...I see." He took Euciel's hand and said "maybe next time would be good."

He then left asking Euciel what was the thing he was asking from me and that he would be more than willing to do it in my stead.

"mezamemui, Yu" I glanced over my faery who, by unknown cause, always look so gloomy. His hair is black, that fortunately looks good against his pale skin. He also likes wearing black, what's with him? seriously, just looking at him made me feel melancholic "Tell the king that I'm at his door. Secretly." I asked him, whispering like an idiot.

Yu, as always, just bowed and after that he was gone. I really hope we could at least get close but he never talk or rather, he rarely talks and I doubt he's even interested in knowing his master; the only thing that makes me stay with this guy and treat him like a pal was that, he could at least act like everything is normal even in grave cases, with that face he's usually wearing. It could miraculously make anyone feel better.

After a few minutes the king strode out and led me inside the large room. It has a large bed which can accompany up to five people, I guess? I can't fathom what's the use of having such a huge bed, well it would be really useful if they had a big quarrel. At least the other party would still get to sleep on a comfortable foam and not in the couch. On the opposite side of the bed was a coffee table with one long J-shaped couch. The floor is covered with red carpet and the windows are covered with curtains in a matching color. Just how much do they love red? I dismissed Yu, he just bowed, gloomy, as always. Not cool, but still fine.

I can see aunt Ada sitting on the couch and can only hear Freya's voice from a distance, although I can't see her. I followed uncle as he walk towards the direction of his wife and daughter's voice although my head won't stop looking from left to right.

"Freya" Uncle said as he look down over the couch. Oh, she must have been lying down. "You have a visitor."

"Huh?" She said sounding a little displeased "Who might it be?"

"You better know about it yourself"

She sat up, her hair was all messy, like it usually is except when someone notices it. She rubbed her head twice, making strange sounds as she do so, clearly displeased that her resting time was interrupted by some visitor her father won't say who "right right." she responded sounding annoyed; she instinctively looked at my direction once, then after quite sometime, twice. This time her eyes widened and then she stood up abruptly. She jumped over the couch, almost knocking her dad off and run towards me. "Fane!" she said as she put her arms around my shoulders. The impact made me fall backwards but I was able to maintain my balance. "Hey hey!" kicking off some air excitedly while putting all her weight on my shoulder. "Congratulations!" she said as she strangle me. No, not strangle I know this is a form of a hug but it's too tight I have to gasp for some air. Uncle Calum cleared his throat which made Freya's movements more measured. She pulled away and looked at me, like a child. The last time I saw her was months ago, but her hair looks just fine as always, I really love that color. Her eyes the color of newly born leaves are always full of life. She always looks so perfect even with that messy hair she's wearing now. She tiptoed and rubbed my head. "You've done well Fane!"

I bit my lip fighting back tears in response. Every single thing that this girl does just really move me. It could either make me really happy or sad, but I embrace all this feelings because it radiated from her and that's all I need.

She became my saving grace when I was on the merge of giving up. She was the first one to approach me even when I was avoided almost by everyone. She accepted me, called me by my name, and treated me equally even if almost others won't.

"I'm sorry Fane, my daughter acted like that." Aunt Ada said as she poured some tea for me "She never change you see. I already told her so many times not to act on impulse."

"Eh? It's not on impulse mom." Freya said as she lean over her mother's shoulder and pour a bunch of cookies on her mouth all at once.

"Freya! That's not lady-like" aunt scolded.

"But I'm not on a formal gathering, so it's fine to act normal right?"

Right, Freya off duty, and on duty are two different persona. This type of Freya is more common but the other side of her is totally unrecognizable, that far off side was the one that was trained for years and this side was the one longing for freedom and a much normal life. I love both sides, that's because it's both her.

Freya looked at her father and repeated, "right?" widening her eyes as she said so. Uncle looked at a different direction to avoid his daughter's gaze. This made Freya's attention diverted to me, "right?" she repeated once again, slowly this time. I looked at aunt Ada and she sighed. I really would love to agree because, that's all I could do to make her happy but I'm having an audience with the king and queen! I'm sorry my princess, please understand.

"Stop it darling," she said as she grab the cookie Freya was holding. Freya tried to get the cookie back but aunt was too fast and teasingly ate it. "I can't believe you're trying to pin down a knight in one blow."

"No, I was just trying to make Fane agree." she replied immediately.

"That's exactly what pinning down means, darling."

"Well, Fane always agrees with me." Freya shrugged giving me a look, "Right Fane?". I almost nodded but was taken aback by aunt Ada.

"Now you've done it! Freya Esdey Valens!" she screeched.

"Eh? What is?" Freya asked calmly, picking up some more cookies.

"Men, don't like women who put them under."

"What does, under mean mom?" Freya asked, saying every word in a monotone. Clearly not interested.

"It means putting someone under your control." aunt said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh... and?"


"And what does it have to do with Fane agreeing with me?"

Aunt shook her head in disbelief "I can't believe you're this dense darling. That means, Fane certainly won't take you for a wife."

"A wife? Hm?" Freya said "a wife, huh?" after a while of deafening silence, and more cookie cracking Freya broke it "A wife you said?!" She asked completely absorbing what her mother was trying to say all along, as if a sponge in a delayed reaction "Why wouldn't he take me as a wife?", she shot me a harsh look. That almost made me ashamingly blush "Why won't you?"

Uncle Calum cleared his throat, which he does a lot by now, "Darling, ignore your mom."

"But she said Fane wouldn't want someone like me." Freya said.

"Well, she's just trying to tease you, right my queen?" Uncle shot his wife a look. Clearly displeased that she's talking about marriage.

"I'm not." Aunt Ada responded, crossing her arms. "It's true, if Freya would continue to act like this then no one would take her. Only Lantis would be willing to do so. I heard about it Frey." Aunt glanced over her daughter "Lantis, asked for your hand, again." she said sounding mother-like, well she's a mother after all. "and..."

Freya silently placed the cookies back to its plate and stood up, "and?" she repeated, "it's between us." she stood up and gave a kind smile to her mom, "it's a secret between us."

She grabbed my arm and curtsied gracefully at the king and queen. "It's okay if Fane wouldn't take me as a wife," then she pressed my hand softly. "That's because I don't think I'm good enough for him, he deserves a more refined woman than me. Right? Sir Fane Fautan?" grinning at me. "Anyway," she continued turning towards the door. "I'm sorry I have a party I need to attend to, and don't worry I'd do my work properly."  

First Chapter: (To Our Secret Castle - Ch 1)

Second Chapter: (To Our Secret Castle - Ch 2)

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To Our Secret Castle - Ch 3

Third Chapter of To Our Secret Castle

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To Our Secret Castle - Ch 3

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Part of the Sci-Fantasy collection

Updated on September 03, 2018

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