
To Our Secret Castle - Ch 2


Freya (Chapter 2)

It's funny how I can change gears in a snap of a finger. For a second I was so excited, and then after a few moments I'm regretting it. 

Riding Jinter at this time of the day is a big mistake. I should have stayed indoors, into my heavenly bed, my only safe haven.

His sunset color rivaled that of the sun and it only added to the heat I'm trying to endure. We already passed the cities of Ellsworth and Tristesse, and currently in the outskirts of Mallory, but this is not exactly our destination. We still have to travel into the woods where we'd find Mr. Overrated handsome, Lantis. 

From where we at, green plains and large fields are now visible. Mallory, and its neighboring province, Deidra, specializes in producing agricultural commodities of the realm. These two are certainly the most relaxing places you'll ever find all over Luquen. 

Before we left I tried to track Euciel using his earring which is treated with mahou. That earring was made and blessed by our tutela herself when he was born. In my case it is a ring. Reira's personal ornament blessing signifies that we're royalties and her future pawns.

Wait, not that I want her to know I thought of that last statement.

We only took eight breads and a bottle of juice with us. Two breads each, because we hadn't took breakfast yet and there's no doubt my brother and the lady-killer prince haven't taken any either; but who knows? I mean maybe they brought some food with them.

We landed at the mouth of the forest far away from the center of Mallory itself. I slid down on Jint's back and helped Kairyse do the same. I watched her brush over her clothes to straighten out the folds and offered to check the contents of the basket if my precious breakfast is still there or if it's gone by the wind.

I pulled out a carrot I've been keeping and fed Jint. "Here you go buddy." I said as I caress his orange mane.

"What are we even doing here, Es?" Jinter asked in between crunchy bites. He use to address me by my second name, Esdey, because using Freya, as he said it, is boring.

"Hmm? Checking Euciel out?" I shrugged.

"Then, what about Dawn?" He asked, pertaining to my old best friend's pegasus.

"We'll see her later right?"

"Oh right." He said getting a little too excited and even neighed with delight. Jinter likes Dawn but Dawn, is kind of a little different from Jint. No, they're total opposites. His sunset color was different from Dawn's night one and Dawn is as quiet as the moon's lullaby unlike the sun's hardcore heat, which very much fits my peg. Well, despite these total oppositeness, I think Dawn doesn't dislike Jint at all or that's how I at least last remembered it.

"Oh and" Jinter added but I cut him off not willing to have an unstoppable series of conversation.

"Gotta go Jint." I said as I waved my hand.

"Wait, what?" He asked totally confused "You're going to leave me here?" turning his great head left and right, as if checking how safe the area is.

I let my eyes wander the vicinity "Um, yeah?"

"Why? In the middle of the... unknown?"

"You're not going to be lost here Jint, I mean you can fly and you can see things so no probs right?" I tapped his back to make it feel alright.

"That's not what I me-"

"They will easily spot us" I said looking at Kairyse. "If you're with us."

"Then are you sure we're going to leave this place in time for the ... party?"

"Yep." I said as I stoop down and grab a small stick. I looked at my beautiful peg and murmured in a silent voice, "qasiyuwaeru" a golden rope appeared around his neck. This will make Jint unable to wander too far from the point where I chanted the spell. I touched the rope and once again whispered "enkeiho" a golden bell appeared this time. This will notify me in case he's in danger.

"Well then Jint, gotta go!" I waved goodbye.

Jinter bowed, well he has no other choice anyway. I raised my wooden stick. Together, Kairyse and I headed to the woods.

We marched silently. Careful not to step into anything that would make any unnecessary noise. I can hear the arrows flying so we really have to keep our senses sharp or else, we'll get speared ourselves.

We walked and walked and found ourselves a hiding place. I wiped my sweat which was now covering my whole face.

"I think it's a bad idea going here." I said as I intended to smell my armpits. Good thing, it doesn't smell and I don't smell. It only felt like it was the right thing to do at that moment.

Kairyse pulled out a handkerchief which she was probably keeping if in case she needs to freshen up. She approached me and instead of wiping off her own sweat, chose to wipe mine. I was too astound to do anything. 

"There" she said, "You can't go see the prince looking like some dried fruit now right? or" she looked at me both eyebrows raised "some... over riped one?"


"and!" she said as she combed my hair, this girl really is a woman she has ways of hiding hygiene kits "you seriously have to fix yourself up milady, you're already turning sixteen soon and more responsibilities will be passed down into you." she fixed my long blue green hair into a waterfall braid. Yes, my hair color is too... too much. It's the same as my dad's so I don't think much of it but, all of the king and queen's first born always turned out this way. It's also the same for the other kingdoms, but different color of course, it depends on what color the tutela represents but seriously this made me actually feel like I'm never really a child of my parents but a child of the tutela herself and that made me feel out of place. I don't look much like mom, although I want to but that's not the case. She has the same hair and eye color as my brother but I don't, and I'm supposed to be a mixture of my parents because I'm first born but I am not. If there's anything, then I'm really glad we at least had the same lips and same facial features, that made me feel more of an efanian than a mere contractor, a medium.

Kairyse's voice lead me back to reality "there" she said and smiled brightly "you're beautiful."

I murmured "thanks" and turned to hide my embarrassment.

"Well then, let's check them out." she announced.

We're close enough to see clearly what they're doing. Lantis summoning different shrub treated fake targets for Euciel to aim at. My brother seems tired but it seems like he's having fun. Well, scary as it might be, being out of the gates really is something, it's more fun and no one can deny it or maybe it's fun because we rarely get out. 

We're few steps away when we saw that another person covered in a traveling cloak approached Lantis and gave him water. After Lantis drank a few gulps he returned it politely and smiled. The sight of him smiling made Kairyse fall into a trance and to stop that troublesome sensation I grabbed her hand and shook it. "Come on, let's go see them, I don't plan on surprising them anymore. I'm hungry."

This made Kairyse wake up to her senses however it looks like she's having second thoughts of approaching the group.

"What?" I asked looking at her in wonder.

"I think I know that cloak." she said.


And as soon as I look back at our target's side I saw Euciel grab the unknown person's cloak and jumped excitedly; this made the hood of the cloak fall backwards.

A beautiful black haired woman with the same facial features as those of Kairyse welcomed us.

"Sister?" Kairyse whispered sounding pained. "She said she's going on a date today. So this is.. it" I can't help but look at Ophelia like she's some sort of a freak. I personally don't hate her, but I don't like her either, maybe because she's too popular back home. All male servants would fawn over her like she's some deity or what. I know this is an exaggeration but seriously, being on Ophelia's side is too mainstream.

I pressed her hand and pulled her "Come on." It's my fault she saw it. It's my fault. I feel bad but it can't be helped, we can't go back after all those sweaty turns and I'm hungry. We can eat our share here and just ignore them but we didn't come all the way to the mountains just to eat some sandwich.

I dragged her towards the direction of our temporary enemies "Comeeeee."

We approached the group and when we're within the sighting range, shouted "Hi!" making it sound cheerful although my energy bar is almost zero. I seriously need heavenly sandwich bites now!

Everyone turned and seemed very surprised, Ophelia almost bobbed her head off "Milady!" I nodded in response and she in return, regained her composure.

"Freya?" Lantis asked, as if not sure if I'm some sort of a lost shadow, talking out of nowhere. "what are you doing here? and... Kai too."

I felt Kairyse press my hand at the sound of the nickname. I think she thought she was kind of special because she had some sort of a nickname but who knows maybe Ophelia has one too like, Oph, Eli, Elia, or any other tasteless nickname out there.

Kairyse seem to have the same thought as mine and instead raised her eyebrows at the sight of Lantis.

"I told milady you were here." She said plainly and bravely. "She was looking for the young master and I think she deserves to know the truth." most of it was a lie of course, but I want to clap my hands so bad they were itching. I had to stop myself from wanting to do so because our cover would be blown.

I nodded. "That's because" I continued, my brain beating rather hard thinking of a reason "I want to challenge the prince in an archery competition."

Everyone's eyes widened and I smirked. No one would expect me to be on par with this man, he's awfully good. Well that's because I didn't even play with him even once but I trained my ass so hard on my younger days, yes my good old days, and I know I could at least be on the same level as him, because although we haven't played the thing together I watched him plenty of times from his developing stages too.

Lantis approached and kneeled before me. He took my hand and gently kissed it. The sight made everyone gasp as if oxygen is scarce and they need reserves. Nobody kisses my hand, nobody dared, that's probably because I'm always with Fane and they're scared of this embodied-talent but it's different, I'm not with Fane and it's just us. I looked at him not even blinking for every heart beat. He look back at me daring to do the same. We looked at each other for minutes and I very much understood why every girl wants this guy to at least notice them. He's smart, good looking and he almost have everything, but I don't like his sweet talks and actions. He probably invited Ophelia to join them so that someone would carry the snacks but because he was such a rare find Ophelia labeled being a chaperone as going on a date. I know she doesn't want to hurt Kairyse nor does she want her sister to find out about the walk because I know how obvious Kairyse's admiration for Lantis was, but that just made me realize how scary this guy is. "I accept your challenge my princess." he said.

I pulled my hand and walked past him towards my brother and grabbed Euciel's bow and his set of arrows. My brother just looked at me with a face telling me 'you're not serious'. I rolled my eyes and widened it, saying in our sibling gesture that 'I am'.

"So" Lantis said "What are the conditions of the competition?"

"No rules, but just play fair and... If I won," I said. Trying to think of a condition because I actually don't have any. It just so happen that he asked me what I'm doing here and I can't find an answer so I decided to challenge him, and I guess that's more than a good reason. "I'm going to be the one to teach Euciel and..." I took a deep breath "I'm going to ask dad to take over your place for my classes." This is all I can think of to end the legendary Lantisyndrome. It wasn't like I don’t want him to become my teacher anymore; he's annoyingly good and I can't deny it. It was just that I don't want to see anymore siblings getting jealous of each other just because of the pretty boy and that means crossing out the reason of his stay here. 

Well all of it came in an instant, my coming here seems like destiny waiting to be done in one shoot. I'm so proud of my mad brain. I'm slightly making sense out of nonsense.

Lantis smiled and said "Then... is it alright if I give a condition too?"

"Yes." I shrugged, it's only natural to give your terms in return. I grabbed some bread and took a bite. The sandwich Kairyse prepared was my favorite one. Egg sandwich. I offered them some but wished they would reject my offer because I'd love to eat all these.

"Since you're bringing up a heavy topic."



"Then" I repeated his words.

"I'm sorry."

My mouth now full of unchewed sandwich blurted "What?"

He looked at me with that stunning straight face and said. "I'm serious about you Freya."

I choked. Kairyse run towards me and patted my back a little hard. "What are you talking about?" I said over my mouthful of sandwich.

"I already told you so many times, and I also talked about this matter to uncle Calum and aunt Ada. They said there would be no problem if ever you agree."

I can't understand what he's talking about.

"Sorry to put it this way but..." he continued but I cut him off

"What are you talking about?" I forced myself to swallow all the bread I'd very much love to take my time to savor. "I can't.."

He sighed and look into my eyes with pure sincerity "I'm asking you to accept my marriage proposal."

It all happened in a domino effect. I dropped my bow and arrow, as if all of the strength and energy I just managed to refill suddenly drained. The basket that Kairyse was holding fell to the ground, Ophelia's eyes widened and Euciel put his hand over his mouth. No way. No way not now. I almost forgot about it. No, in fact I already had forgotten about it.


"Freya." Lantis's voice stern and steady. He took my hand and pressed it softly "please look at me."

It all happened when I was turning 13 and he was 16. Lantis just received Baroque's complete blessing and he was showing it off in front of me and Fane, it was all good, we're good as always but it didn't last.

The three of us have been close since we were little. Fane and I would always wait for his visits and his tales about Sei. Before even Euciel came, Lantis became my elder brother figure first. I know I admired him as much as my brother does, but despite those years of admiration, close hugs and sleeping under the tree holding hands. I never really looked at him the other way.

He... despite of himself, fell in love, for someone like me.

I never understood what he meant before. It started long before I even knew Fane.

This happened when I was still nothing, and my parents probably didn't know I was the type of daughter that they're going to have. My father, who was still a prince but had already inherited Reira and uncle Pallas, who also is on the same case as my dad, are really close friends and on one stressing day when they were both drunk they promised each other that once they had children of their own, they'd make their kids marry each other.

That might have been the reason why Lantis almost spent all his childhood in our place. My father probably didn't have the heart to engage me just like that, but to keep his promise, thought of a way to make us closer. I love Lantis, yes, but as a brother or so I thought it only was. He isn't really bad, to be honest he's too perfect. I'd love to love him but, it just doesn't feel right. My heart doesn't beat rapidly whenever I see him. I don't fall into a trance or what. I could have tried to do so, because who wouldn't? He's a big catch but my feelings didn't just work out that way.

And on one destined day, Fane have to leave early for his Esquire training and I have to read the ethics book my instructor asked me to. I headed to the library to find some peace. This was around the time when Lantis spent more of his time alone than be with us. He seem to be off his own world and is thinking of something really very important. His aura was melancholic we didn't even attempted to ask him about anything because it seems like all his doors were closed. But...

"What are you doing here Lantis?" I asked as I spotted him in the library alone.


"I see."

I went directly to the bookshelves and grabbed a book, took it to the table next to him and slid on the chair, I don't think its a good thing to play so close so I kept my mouth shut. The next thing I knew, I was already reading another publication that I brought with me, we'll its more fun to read this anyway.

There was silence and I was only scanning over the pages. Nobody dared to talk nor start a conversation. I finished reading my set and sighed. I closed it with a loud thump and stood.

I grabbed my books and was one step out of the room when he called after me, "Freya."

I held the door open and asked "Yeah?"

He pulled me inside and the door closed.

He draw his face close to mine and I didn't understand any of his actions. We were two inches closer, then an inch and I blurted "What are you doing?"

He looked at me all the same but stayed on the same distance "I'm going to kiss you."

"Why?" I asked not even nervous nor bothered. It would definitely make me close to tears if it happened now. That would be really scary.

"Because I've been in love with you for a long time, since we were little; and now I'm really sure of it."

"How do you say so?"

"Because I get jealous."

"Of what?"

"I'm jealous whenever..." I cut his thought off when I asked "Is that what they do when they like someone? I mean, about the kissing thing."


"Do you think I'll like it if you kiss me?" I asked out of pure curiosity. I held his face with both hands letting my warmth pass through his pale face. This seem to wake his senses up. He retreated and a cracking sound of the door both startled us.

Fane looked at us with so much excitement, his pure eyes made me smile "Just like what I've thought," he said "you're both here"

I approached Fane and took his hand "let's go play outside?" I held it and offered my other to Lantis "Come, let's go back?" I said as I stretched my arm trying to reach his.

He looked at me

...but he never took it.

That's when I knew; there's no turning back.

After that day my father talked about Lantis and that he was asking my hand for marriage. I told my father that I don't understand any of it and if possible just discuss the matter to themselves. Naturally my dad just said that he had no objections and he's leaving the final decision to me.

I already have forgotten about it, and I thought he also had come past it; but again, that isn't the case.

I even had forgotten how close we were and how we grew apart.

A tear fell off my eye and I wiped it immediately. We must have been real close to feel this way. In fact I know it deep within my heart, and I'm just trying to conceal it so that we could continue our lives and do what we are supposed to do. Maybe it's true that I'm the reason why we grew apart.

I kept my face stern looking at other things because I can't look directly at Lantis. His hand is shaking and I can feel it because he's holding mine.

"Um!" My brother's voice echoed through the seamless silence. I turned and looked at him. He's shaking too. "Um!" he repeated louder this time, looking at us.

"Euc-" I said abruptly, I don't want my brother to be involved in any of this. He already have a lot in his hands.

"Please!" he said lowering his head. "Please, don't do this your highness!"

My eyes widened and Lantis was taken aback.

"My sister..." he said his voice a little shaky but he continued "she wants to learn a lot of things. That's why!" he looked at Lantis with watery eyes, most probably because of being scared he's not on his teacher's side, "please give another condition instead. Things like this can wait, and I also want to learn a lot from my sister too... and to you too, and if you two would get married and have children then-"

"Hey Euciel!" I said, thinking the last part was way out of line, but he still continued.

"You two will forget about me." and as he said it tears flooded his face. The sound of the word 'baby' made us all jerk unnecessarily. In my case, it is the thought of my brother getting jealous over something that I'm involved, although not directly, made me unconsciously happy deep within. I never thought my brother liked me. We would always have fights and days like this have been pretty much rare. It may be because of my free spirit and my brother's rules-by-the-book way of life; but more than anything maybe it was I that was looking at it in a more different manner, because I always blame myself for how my brother would not live his life like I did and to be honest, the reason why I want to do more, with this limited time of mine was because I want to live the life that my brother wouldn't be able to, for his sake.

The fact that Euciel said something selfishly for the first time and not to mention for my own sake, although very child like made me really happy.

Tears filled my vision and I hurriedly wrapped my arms around my little brother. His body is so small it made me feel like I'm going to destroy it once I put much pressure. He hugged me back and echoes of our cries filled the quiet woods.

Lantis approached us, and patted both our heads "I'm just kidding" He said, looking at my brother "I never thought my joke was to be taken like this. I'm sorry."

The sound of the word joke made me look at him. He wasn't looking at me but is smiling at Euciel. It was an honest smile so maybe it really was a joke.

This thought calmed me down and the only thing that stayed in my mind was he already let it go. A part of me was very much relieved because in reality, I don't want to be the reason why our friendship fell apart. His shaking hands probably signified that he was too nervous to reveal the truth now that the joke has been taken too seriously.

We could still come back.

I released Euciel and hugged Lantis instead. He was astound but he held me, I tiptoed and whispered to his ear "Let's go back?" sounding hopeful this time. I heard him sigh and said "yeah."

We all left the forest, leaving behind the things that had happened then and there.

First Chapter: (To Our Secret Castle - Ch 1)

Third Chapter: (To Our Secret Castle - Ch 3)

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launchora_imgDigvijay Rajak
5 years ago
wow just awesome ?
launchora_imgAK 47
6 years ago
6 years ago
thank you!!!!!
6 years ago
thank you!!!!!
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To Our Secret Castle - Ch 3

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To Our Secret Castle - Ch 2

260 Launches

Part of the Sci-Fantasy collection

Updated on September 03, 2018

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