
Illustration by @dariaesste

To Our Secret Castle - Ch 1


Freya (Chapter 1)

I'm shrouded in darkness.

An unknown woman is shouting at me, throwing harsh words that seem to root from her heart. I was confused and suddenly felt dizzy. I stared at the ceiling and realized that we’re on a dungeon unfamiliar to me. For unknown reason, even though the woman looked raged, I am feeling calm, which for about a second, scared the heck out of me; how could I feel so calm in a situation such as this? I gathered my thoughts and ping-pong, came to a conclusion that the best thing is to ignore and leave this deranged woman; she may have been shouting at the wrong person.
I can't remember offending nor meeting her before.

I attempted to move my feet just to realize that it is unable to take a step forward. I tried to move it again, twice, thrice, but it did nothing. I strained my neck to look down but my head won’t move either and at that point horror flooded through me. My attention was focused on every part of my body, identifying which part I can and cannot use. My efforts made me realize that only my eyes are the only ones capable of following the commands of my, now panic bound, brain.

I am trapped.

There’s no way I'd feel confined without any visible thing which may restrict my movements, except if someone used mahou against me. Questions like why and what did I do? popped up one after the other, because using magic against another person is the only type of magic which was considered as a taboo.

I closed my eyes, my chest heaving up and down, inhaling the chaotic atmosphere of this place, weighing if it's real or not. I tried everything to gather myself together, but my ultimate concentration was immediately interrupted by the woman’s demented laugh, and in between of each disturbing vibration of echoes of her voice were whispers of heartless words saying,“You’ll die here!” she repeated it for a over and over again; and of course, that doesn’t help at all. I can feel my heart beating mad like it's about to get clamped into dust, I can’t blame it but that doesn’t help either. I tried to focus even harder this time. Closing my eyes, as if it would help me focus more. After a few tries of ignoring her and thinking of a way to survive, for what seem like ages, I sensed that I am not after all, alone.

From a distance I can now make out a voice other than that of the woman. “Don’t!” the man yelled, but his screams sounded faint. I’m not sure if his voice’s just really not that loud or was it drowned from the woman’s hysterical laugh or if it’s a mere hopeless sound my brain is trying to make out for me, because I'm certainly losing hope of escaping this crazy place.

I opened my eyes, widely this time, wishing to be able to locate the man. The dungeon was so dark, but compared before, my eyesight seem to get used to it. There were few torches that were floating in different directions now. I don't know if it's there before but I don't really care. I took this to my advantage and tried hard to look for the other person. After a few run backs to where my eyes can see, I saw a figure not too far away from me. I sighed, a sigh of relief. I'm certain now that the he’s not a fake identity that I'm trying to create. I wonder why I wasn’t able to feel his presence at all, it could be that his aura was too weak or I’m just too preoccupied with my will to survive.

I put all of my attention on him trying to make a quick run down of faces I’ve known before, but his blurry face didn’t help at all, only his tears which were shining through the little light the torches have provided, made it possible for me to see that he’s clearly crying. Loads of tears streaming down his unrecognizable face and the longer I look at him, the more my heart falters.

I can feel my brain beating hard trying to think of a way to escape with this person, who I haven't even seen before. I just can’t leave other people here. Not with that woman. She's too weird to ignore.

There’s something wrong, I have to save us both.

I directed my eyes downward, and for the first time saw a looming shadow of a long haired person, covering my own, both hands raised just behind my back. The man’s voice clear and loud boomed the whole place with pleading “Don’t take her aw–” then his voice was drowned by my slipping consciousness. Every single part of me, reverted back on focusing for myself, particularly breathing as if it's the most obvious thing I need to do. Every heaving that my chest made was a miracle. I gasped for air, my only key to keep on living, many times and as I continue to do so, flashes of unfamiliar scenes filled my vision; it all gave me a warm feeling deep within my heart, making me want to live more. I don't even understand why I felt that way, but that's the only way to explain it. That's certainly how I felt. 

My eyes flooded with salty liquid. There’s no turning back. I’m drowning. I can’t hear, nor can I feel anything. My last few moments were spent on hearing the words I’d very much appreciate not to hear.

“You’re dead.’’

I woke up with a start and realized that I was dreaming. I brushed over my forehead and quickly wiped off beads of sweat. It's still a refreshing morning as to how the usual mornings here do but my freaking dream probably made my sleeping gown soak. I hurriedly slipped out of my bed and stood, which made white dots fill my temporary dark line of vision, and my legs became too wobbly to keep on. I held on my headboard to make myself stay in position and as soon as the sensation calmed down, took a deep breath and murmured in a sleepy voice "mezamemui, Fenti", a small faery, the size of my pointing finger, shimmered into existence and greeted me with a bright smile, her hair, the color of silver shone against the peeking morning sun rays. Faeries are familiars earned as a gift from an instructor of mahou class when you successfully finish the course. They can give you anything you need, but the things they can provide also depends on your family’s wealth. Asking them something that is not available in your home stocks may cause a deduction in your family's treasure.

I rubbed my eyes and greeted back"morning". My eyes wandered the different corners of my room as if confirming that this truly is my reality. I walked towards the direction of the glass doors leading to the balcony and moved the long green curtains which were blocking the passage of the warm sunlight.

The sun's morning smile was too bright, I had to immediately cover my eyes. I glanced over my shoulder and looked for my faery, having to blink a number of times to calm my eyes from the ruffle the light had caused.


"Yes? milady?"

"What time is it?" I asked, and as soon as Fenti took up what I said, she snapped her fingers and a small black button, which was too large for her size, appeared. The load of the button made her wings flutter, and her smile immediately turned into a frown. I took the button and said "thanks". Fenti in response took a deep breath, clearly thankful that the load has been off and bowed. She then sat on my shoulders and started playing with my messy morning hair. I pushed the button and the numbers 8:42 appeared with an image of a continent surrounded by vast sea of white clouds as its background. This picture is the perfect imitation of the single floating continent in this world.

Efa, that's the name of this planet where we live in. It only has a single continent named Dwalend, as the only place where life can exist. On the corners of this immense land mass were unfathomable sea of white clouds.

Dwalend is now divided into four kingdoms by the walls called the “boundary”. The division of the land forms an irregular “X” and in the intersection point lies the great tree, called “Cornucopia”. It is the source of all mahou in the whole planet, and is considered as the mother tree. The spirit that resides there is named Herthe.

There are other four trees which support the four kingdoms respectively. It is said that their abundance defines the condition of the whole place where it resides. My father said that the trunk of the each four trees serves as a passage way towards four different rooms called the armonie. The records of the past kings and queens are accessible there and that is also where the tutela resides. The tutela is something, well, large supernatural creatures, (twenty to thirty times larger than us) who appears invisible to non-contractors, however they are also visible to efanians who needs its blessing to keep each kingdom at peace. Although large my father said that they are also capable of being in smaller forms; even in normal efanian size. That's just how powerful they are.

Every kingdom owns a tutela. The kingdom on the northern part of the continent or commonly known as Aljea owns a large owl known as Cappo. Kingdom Sei, on the west, owns a dryad named Baroque. The eastern kingdom, known as Veila own a napaeae named Vena and lastly the southern kingdom known as Luquen, which is our kingdom, owns an aurae named Reira. All these tutelas serves as guards for protection and guide for the contractor to help maintain the kingdom's prosperity. Each of them are being taken care of by the first born child of each royal families.

I set the button down at the nearest coffee table and dismissed Fenti by chanting "yasu" which is my most favorite spell of all. It really sounds cool, right? Seriously, try saying it and you'll understand. I immediately went to the bath and enjoyed myself in the cold morning water. My dream’s details are now slowly fading, and the more I try to recall, the more it seems to slip away. Not that I need anymore horrors in my life.

All I could remember was the feeling of not wanting to dream about it nor experience it for real.

I was choosing my dress when someone knocked on my door. I rapidly grabbed one mocha colored dress, with an intricate flower lacework that extends from the chest to the neck and with its long sleeves fitting just right over my arms. Its garter emphasizes the shape of my waist and made the lower part of the dress fall flat. I stood in front of the mirror to check myself out, and murmured to myself 'I think I look just fine'. My thoughts were interrupted by another set of patient knocks.

"Coming!"I called over. I snatched a pair of slipper I didn't even bother to look at and ran towards the door.

A tower of neatly folded blankets welcomed me. "Um, Mrs. Paige?"

A woman in her fifties peeked over the large pile of clothes and replied with her usual cheerful tone. "Darling! Good morning!". I smiled in return and grabbed a number of layers to somewhat lessen the load.

"Come in, come in."

Mrs. Paige and her daughter Elsinor are my personal attendants. They're from the Yuan family, which for a number of generations, provided excellent attendants for every princesses of Luquen's royal family, Valens.

I carefully placed the blankets on the sofa trying not to mess the foldings that probably took sometime to be perfected. "Um, Mrs. Paige?"

She glanced over her shoulder and raised both her eyebrows in wonder, "Yes darling?"

"Is it alright if I leave now? I mean, I really need to see Euciel. I promised to show it to him today. He misses most of it and it only happens once a year so...."

"You don't really have to ask Freya, just do whatever you want." She waved and started to remove my old pillowcases which were probably very sweaty. I hope it didn't smell.

"Then", I said as I pull up the fronts of my long skirt, which can easily sweep the dust over the floor, exposing a little of my skin, and held it in place just over my stomach and started to jog in place. "I'd better take my leave now." and ran towards my brother's room.

Euciel, the first prince and the second born of the king and queen, has a straight blond hair that is usually braided at both sides, extending up to his back. His eyes the same color as the calm sky, (unlike my green ones, which I hate to admit, has the same color as the moss, yes you got that right, the ones you see lurking on wet surfaces) and his smile very much identical to our father's, could easily cheer you up whenever you're feeling down. He's 6 years younger than me but his state of mind is years mature for his age. Well it can't be helped; I guess it is required to be quite, you know, how do I say it, more sensible when you're next to the crown. Not that it matters to me really, I'm not aiming for the throne and I've rejected it a long time ago.

I can choose to have the crown and still keep my family name the same by having my man be married to my family; but that's not the path I chose.

The thing is, it's such a pain to become one. Starting off with basic manners that every royalty has to learn about, up to the most complicated things you can imagine. I just can't see myself wearing a crown, be the mother of this country and be married off with some noble or another prince who doesn't really love me but is aiming for the popularity and favor of the family I was born into; although I don't reject the possibility of this thing called love to sprout out after that marriage, I would still prefer to be married to a person whose love developed and matured especially for me.

Eh? Sounds romantic. Eww, I can't believe I'm saying this.

"Euciel!" I called as I knocked impatiently on his shut doors making my voice be heard over the loud echoes of clomping feets going back and forth, taking short glances side by side, saying quick good mornings and wishing for a good day since palace attendants who would cross my path would stop and bow. They would keep doing so unless I replied in anyway.

After a number of loud and painful bangings over his oak doors my brother, finally, welcomed me.

"What took you so long?" I caressed my red knuckles, glaring at him to make myself feel better.

He rubbed his eyes and turned his back as if he didn't hear me say anything. I opened the door widely and seized his arm making him look like a rag doll being held captive by some mad kid "Nevermind. Come on, it probably started already."

I pulled my brother who's sleeping clothes seem to be too small for his size. Growing kids really are lucky, they get new clothes almost every month, and they don't even know how fortunate they are because they're still young. He looks so silly though, his little belly peeking under his shirt, greeting me with a crazy morning. I almost smiled but remembered that this person almost had my precious flesh be shed off, not to mention, unintentionally which made me even more annoyed.

I slid the glass doors open and hauled him in the balcony. The fresh breeze welcoming us warmly, like "hey there you siblings! It's a good morning" something like that, but of course not literally because, the wind can't speak and if it did, please be scared.

"What theeee!!" My brother exclaimed, his mouth in a perfect shape of letter "O". He run towards the railings and leaned against it. His bewildered face followed the direction of the balloons that are now scattered over the calm blue sky. The reflection of its different colors reflected in his eyes perfectly as if it all belongs there. After a few minutes of enjoying this scenery; loud and even more beautiful firecrackers from different directions grabbed the scene one after the other. It's loud bangs and mesmerizing appearance, even against the great sun, made every person in the palace, no not just in the palace but all people over Luquen, drop their work off and look at it at least for a minute. As soon as the last cracker died down a loud sound of gong boomed the whole country followed by a voice aided by mahou enabling it to be heard up to the borders surrounding us. 'Let's celebrate the rise and continuing glory of Luquen!' My father's voice is surely being heard all over the place. "Euciel," I said distracting my brother "as soon as dad finishes talking, put your right index and middle finger together and touch your chest softly like this" putting my own words into action. "and then slowly move it away from you, like this" after I made my point my brother just nodded his head off.

"...Reira, our guardian, the second daughter of Herthe, thank you for your guidance". After moments of silence I touched my chest with my two fingers and looked over my brother who's copying me. I moved my fingers away, just like how I instructed Euciel to do, but this time a warm green light coming from my chest followed my fingers. The flickering light soon made its way up like other lights coming from the citizens of this kingdom. It filled the blue sky with the color of ever naturely green. Soon these green flickers formed an aurora, and it stood out even in this broad daylight. I stared at the sky carpeted with that of green and for once, appreciated the beauty of my moss colored eyes.

I rubbed my brother's head and smiled, "Tha-" but stopped immediately because someone's voice startled me.

"Woaaaah, that was great isn't it?" I turned and saw Lantis looking at the heavens with admiration. He clapped his hands and directed his eyes towards me "That was another great festival opening Freya!" his way of delivering the message made it sound like I was the one who planned the whole exhibition thing. His eyes shone with so much excitement, which made it hard for me to cut him off with some killjoy line. Euciel hid himself behind my back trying to make his presence be ignored. I cleared my throat and curtsied ever so deeply, it felt like my head would soon drop off the floor "Your highness." I greeted.

He caught me midway and touched my shoulders and with his usual brotherly voice said, "You don't have to do that." I glanced at him not even trying to move any further and felt my brother grip my skirt. "Pardon?"

Lantis gave me that jaw dropping bright smile, it could have turned me blind in an instant "I said, you don't have to do that. How many times do I have to tell you?" He held my right arm softly and straightened me up.

Lantis is the first prince of Sei. He's 4 years older than me and for a certain amount of time, serves as Euciel's archery instructor, which he specializes at and my tutela instructor, because he also is a first born.

His short dark blue hair and those sharp eyes of the same color would make any girl in the palace titter for hours as if it's a norm, like 'hey did you see Lantis?' and the other would say 'yeah, and I just can't stop myself from giggling'. I know it sounds annoying but anyway that isn't the case for us siblings. Lantis can be very strict, which made him one of the top people my brother disliked as an instructor. He could even make my brother cry for hours. I didn't go against it because I know it will make Euciel stronger someday but the thought of a child, who'll rarely get to play ever again and be on a serious business in life just made me feel really bad for not inheriting the throne.

In my case, Lantis have been a really good teacher, on our sessions he would sometimes allow me to see Baroque in his physical efanian form. Baroque is the tutela he inherited from his father. At the age of 16, he had already shouldered the responsibility of being the head informant and guide of Sei. I can't even imagine having the same duty as him. I'm more of a joke than an efanian after all.

"So..." He said looking past me, lowering himself. "Shall we start?" he looked directly at my brother, with that smile that would make my day if only I had a crush on him. I turned my head towards Euciel and saw that if only he had a choice he would play deaf and ignore his teacher.

Don't get it the wrong way, Euciel may hate Lantis as an instructor but as an image of an older brother, I think that's the other way around. My brother probably prefers him more than a sister who passed down her responsibility to a younger child. Lantis would sometimes sing Euciel to sleep and have meals with him which made the two close to be called as siblings. This may be the reason why instead of just asking for a new teacher, Euciel endured the tedious training Lantis gave him.

Seriously, The more you admire, the more you endure.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Euciel loosened his grip and nodded once. He looked at me with pleading eyes, as if saying 'offer to take your classes first', but as much as I love my brother and so as my tutela classes, I don't have the time now. I forced as smile, a language my brother and I usually use when we say sorry. Lantis offered his hand and Euciel took it.

"Well then princess" he said looking at me. "I'll see you later." He nodded and together they left.

If I hadn't looked around I wouldn't notice Kairyse fixing Euciel's messy beddings while crazily smiling to herself, like those who had fallen into some love spell would; but of course that would be impossible because using mahou against another person is a taboo and not to mention a love spell? just how desperate would the other party be?

"Morning!" I said, giving her a quick look. I'm not really sensitive to things like being ignored or what but it's rare for Kairyse not to respond. "Morning?" I repeated, more of a question than a greeting, but instead she kept on smiling like she's in an world obviously far off from mine. I never knew her brand new dimension would disable her from hearing anything. I took a few heavy steps towards her, feeling a little bad because I know I'll drag her into 'my' reality, and tapped her back. She turned giving me that high smile and for what seem like ages, she was just there smiling at me and here I am looking like an idiot with a question 'what' written all over my face.

When my face finally got registered to her world of fantasy 101, her smile faded. I felt quite... atrocious, I mean, I already expected it but who wouldn't?

Kairyse immediately hid her face and turned her back. "Milady? is that you?"

I raised my eyebrow, wondering if I don't look like me, and I felt like she would prefer if I'm some sort of a mirage which unfortunately isn't, "Yeah?"

Her tied hair made it possible for me see that her ears turned bright red. "Since when were you here?" she interjected.

I shrugged and really hoped I was an illusion instead "All this time."

"Uhhhhhhh.." she faced me and lowered her head. "You just saw me at my most... unfitting state." this time she even lowered her head almost on a diving position, like by doing so would make me forget everything "please forgive me." and by looking at her like this, I really wish I could forget.

Kairyse and her elder sister Ophelia came from the noble family, Radomir. Just like the Yuan's they served our family for generations and made their name known because of their good and honest service.

"Lantis" I blurted. Pronouncing the name plainly as if addressing the prince himself. Kairyse jerked at the sound of the name, as if I'm calling hers. I grinned. This is what I'm trying to talk about; that 'Lantisyndrome' just look how infective it is, and really quite dangerous. I never knew it has beyond-severe-annoying-effects like making people affected be in a daze.

"It's fine really and stop that" I said as I pull her up, afraid that her head might hit the ground. This isn't the first time I saw people in this state. I think it's already part of what I consider as at least, close to normal. "You should come with me."

"Where?" she asked as she immediately resumed her previous chore. Like anymore eye to eye contact with me would be bad.

"To the range."

Her eyes shine like some sort of a hundred year hungry animal who just ate her prey. "To the range?" she repeated, confirming if she heard me right.

"Yeah." I grinned, nodding vigorously like some raven pecking over an open flesh.

She cleared her throat and tried to sound in a more business like manner "But I have things to do."

Kairyse has this attitude of rivaling things between what she wants to do and what she has to do. Although two years older, she seems to be somewhat on the same aptitude as me in terms of mentality. This may be because of her obvious inferiority complex towards her sister. To be honest, I don't understand why she feels that way. They are different, yes, but I think that's something really good because 'common is boring'.

"No, you don't because, you already finished your work." I said as I prehend the sheets and folded it myself.

Her eyes widened as if seeing a doll suddenly doing housework. "Milady!" she drew the sheets away from me. I shot a look at her and she retreated, making herself be as little as possible "I can do that myself, it's not your work to do so. Please don't do things like this."

"I can do it myself too, that's why." I sighed folding the last sheet "This is all that's left right?" I'm quite tired of this princess thing, just let me get off to work, seriously. I'm looking for a life and youth full of adventure, I can't spend it hearing 'you can't be doing this'; time is limited, geez.

She nodded.

"Then let's go and visit my brother."

"Yes, yes we're going to visit the young master." she said convincing herself that she wants to see Euciel "but I don't think they're at the range."

"What do you mean?"

A sweat fell off her forehead "Um..."


"I accidentally overheard that they're going to the woods in Mallory." she gave me a nervous look "of course, the king and queen doesn't know about it because the young master, not to mention you too my princess, isn't allowed to go out except for special occasions."


"and..." she closed her eyes forcefully afraid to spill any more of the secret but doesn't have the choice anyway "and prince Lantis... told me not to tell anyone and he also told me that it's for the young master's sake so..."

"and I thought you just said you overheard them." I grinned, ignoring the fact that the two princes did a violation. "You were actually part of the plan."

So that's why Euciel was nervous awhile ago, he was probably afraid of someone finding out that he left the palace without our parent's provision. Well, he's the type to stick to the rules so this might be something really heavy on him.

"mezamemui, Fenti” I chanted summoning Fenti, my cute little faery.

“Milady!” Fenti greeted with her signature smile.

“Can you ask Jinter to go to my balcony darling?”

She smiled sarcastically and said “Come again milady? I don’t think I get what you’re trying to say.”

I rolled my eyes and said “Jinter.” plainly.

She sighed and bowed, then pooff she was gone. The position from which she was standing now shimmered with glittering light of silver, the same color of her hair. Fenti never really liked my pegasus, Jinter. She said ‘he talks way too much, and he even tried to eat my wings so I hate him.’ To be honest I feel the same but seriously if only I can have Jinter marry another peg, that would be nice because he’s such a nice looking peg, but being talkative really ate up too much space in his 'I’m somewhat good looking bar.'

Kairyse who's fixing her hair into a braid and looking at herself in the mirror asked “Are you serious milady? I doubt Jinter knows where Mallory is.” I can't believe she's saying this while actually preparing herself for the ride.

“I’m serious yes, and it’s festival time so don’t be so worried, I think it can be considered as a special occasion and I'm really going out today remember? and I properly asked mom and dad about it, so going out at an earlier time isn't really a big deal."

"Oh, its about Sir Fane" she smiled as she says the name. "What do you think of Sir Fane, milady? I mean he's a 'sir' now, isn't he?"

I shrugged "Well, yes he is but he's a hard worker to begin with, so no wonder he graduated young and anyway what do you mean by that? we're friends, we're friends. I know he rarely visit over the past years but we're friends."

"Eh? Is that all?" she drew her face close to me, moving her eyebrows up and down non-stop like some caterpillar. I'm trying to contain myself and swallow back a laugh.

I raised my shoulders completely clueless about what she's trying to point at.

"What?" Kairyse frowned "You don't feel anything about him? he's like your everything and all, I don't even know what I'm saying. I mean those looks and everything, doesn't it catch your heart?"

I held into my chest like some idiot when she said "catch your heart" because I can't really comprehend what she's trying to say. I stared at her waiting for more because all I could do was to remain speechless.

"Milady, don't tell me you haven't notice that -"

I interjected, "anyway I’ll leave Fenti here to observe and if you may please ask your faery to communicate with her every hour, so that we have an idea if we need to go home already or if my parents needs me." I just feel tired of being unknowing. 

Second Chapter: (To Our Secret Castle - Ch 2)

Third Chapter: (To Our Secret Castle - Ch 3)

9 Launchers recommend this story
launchora_imgDigvijay Rajak
6 years ago
well done ?
launchora_imgAK 47
6 years ago
keep going!!!!
6 years ago
Thank you very much! :'( I'm so happy
launchora_imgAK 47
6 years ago
you're welcome....!!! I'm always there if anyone needs help or opinions.... feel free to ask me anytime!!!
launchora_imgAr Jared
6 years ago
AK 47 what do you think are the bad sides and good sides of the writing?
launchora_imgAK 47
6 years ago
so that's a qandans session?
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To Our Secret Castle - Ch 3

Third Chapter of To Our Secret Castle

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To Our Secret Castle - Ch 1

748 Launches

Part of the Sci-Fantasy collection

Updated on September 03, 2018

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