
Six Reasons For Bad Coffee


Everyone has the situation that they can't get up in the morning, but they have to get up. In this case, how can we wake up quickly?

If you're a caffeine conscious person, just get a cup of coffee to solve the problem.

But if you started expecting the mellow coffee the night before and let the coffee wake you up with a good taste, the taste of this cup of coffee in the morning is terrible. It is not only not as mellow as expected but also scorched and bitter, and it is difficult to swallow with sugar and milk?

Do you know what caused it?

To sum up, don't let bad coffee spoil the good mood of the day:

1. Coffee beans are not fresh

After a certain ripening time, the roasted coffee beans will slowly discharge the carbon dioxide. At the end of this process, they will begin to oxidize, causing the coffee beans to become stale. Therefore, if you want to keep the coffee beans fresh, you should keep them in an opaque container and place them in a dry and cool place because sunshine, humidity, and heat are the main reasons for the deterioration of coffee.

So now, does your coffee beans storage environment meet the above conditions? If not, change the proper environment to store coffee beans! In addition, some people will buy a large bag of ground coffee powder and boil it at home because the flavor will be lost quickly after the coffee is ground into powder. It is usually recommended to grind a small amount and brew a small amount. If you just want convenience, it will be a pity. For the coffee you drink, buy an electric bean grinder.

2. Coffee bean baking problem

If your coffee is burnt and bitter, it is likely that there is something wrong with the roasting of coffee beans. Coffee beans will develop a rich flavor after baking. Coffee beans without baking cannot be drunk. However, baking beans are a deep knowledge, and there is no problem in baking them deeply. However, I'm afraid that the fire is too strong, the outside is scorched, and the inside is not cooked, or the coffee becomes scorched and bitter due to over baking.

3. The coffee has been ready for too long

Many people have Americano pots at home or in the office, which are very convenient and can brew a lot of coffee at once. If they can't finish drinking this coffee, they will be kept with the function of heat preservation. Generally, the longer such coffee is kept, there will be more and more negative flavor, and finally, it will even become plain and tasteless coffee water.

Of course, you may have heard that good coffee should go from hot to cold. This kind of coffee is good even if it lasts for a few hours, but this is not discussed here.

4. The quality of coffee is not good

Water accounts for more than 98% of coffee, but it is often ignored. The water quality is different everywhere, and the coffee will be different. Try different types of water, such as pure, filtered, mineral, or tap water, each of which will give a different flavour to the coffee. For good coffee, please use the right water to make coffee.

5. The coffee equipments are too dirty

Whether you make coffee by full-automatic, semi-automatic, manual flushing, or steeping, as long as the appliance is dirty, it will make the coffee difficult to drink. Coffee shops that pay attention to quality will often clean the machines to keep the coffee above the standard. Generally, cutting vegetables and raw and cooked foods will be divided into chopping boards, or at least cleaned and then cut other ingredients. But imagine if you cut garlic and leek without washing the chopping board and kitchen knife and directly cut fruit, the taste of this fruit must be terrible.

If the coffee utensils are too dirty, the previous coffee grease, coffee grounds, and scale will remain, which will make the coffee challenging to drink. Check your utensils!

6. The coffee is broken

The most special thing about coffee is that, in addition to growing coffee, ordinary people can easily experience a cup of coffee by baking, grinding, and brewing. However, it is also a knowledge to cook well. In addition to the variation factors such as techniques, it is possible that you grind too fine and the water temperature is too high, which will lead to the scorch and bitterness of coffee. Or the grinding is too coarse, and the water temperature is too low, resulting in the smelly and sour taste of coffee, which is worth discussing in detail.

The above roughly summarizes the reasons why coffee is bad. Don't let the bad coffee break your expectations and the good mood of the day!

If you want to get more resources about coffee, welcome to visit to get a better daily brew at home.

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Six Reasons For Bad Coffee

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Updated on April 13, 2022

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