
Illustration by @luciesalgado

How UX & UI Affect the Website Impression?


Around 90% of people leave a website due to bad designs. Would you like to visit a website again that has bugs, takes longer than average to find the answers, and looks not that impressive? You know the answer. The developers have in-depth knowledge of UI vs UX because they know how important are they for a beautiful website.

A customer can feel satisfied when he can access the website easily. It results in repeat visits. These days many businesses are focusing on making their websites impressive and engaging. So, the use of emerging technologies and going hand in hand with trends in design development have become crucial.

Likewise, many enterprises want to revamp the website design to increase the conversion rate. The website redesign cost can also vary for designing from the scratch and making some changes to the existing website. It means UI and UX designs can be a game-changer to generate revenue.

What Is the Difference Between UX & UI?

UI refers to a user interface, while UX refers to user experience. When you open a website, whatever you see on it, is UI design. And when you interact or click on icons or images on the website, you are directed to another page. Here you see the products or services; the designs are given to these products and services help a customer to have experience of the website.

So, UI and UX are different and have different purposes. Many people think that they are the same, but it's not true. You can’t take services or purchase products without UX and can’t reach the UX design until you interact with UI design on the website.

UX: A design for products and services that provides an experience of a website to the user.

UI: The user interface is a graphical layout of a website with which most visitors interact.

Moreover, a website should be responsive so that it can run flawlessly on any device. It's a vital point, and you should focus on responsive web design services while hiring a custom web design company.

What Is Website Redesign Cost?

Since people have become aware that UI and UX are important for website impression, they want to update their existing websites with new designs. So, knowing about the website redesign cost is a crucial step before hiring a web design company.

A simple website redesign can cost around $10,000-$30,000. If you want customized designs or complex features, the cost can run anywhere from $35,000-$60,000. Likewise, an estimated mobile app design cost is $5,000-$20,000.

But, several factors affect the website or app design cost. In which fast loading, light website design, mobile compatibility, browser consistency, effective navigation, and easy-to-use designs are important.

You may need to find the top website development services for flawless designs for your website. It is because firms have experienced developers and are responsible if any errors appear in the future on your website.

UX and UI Affect the Website Impression in 7 Ways

Do you know, that bad UI and UX designs can reduce the revenue of your business and even shut down it due to lack of traffic? 88% of website visitors don’t want to return to a website that offers a bad user experience and if the page takes longer than 3 seconds to load (Source).

UI and UX affect the website in 7 ways, know them below.

1. Customer Acquisition:

A good user experience gives a competitive edge to a website. The more easy and more interactive a website is the more chances of attracting traffic to it. And it results in more leads. So, UX and UI help to gain new consumers to your website.

2. Brand Value:

The monetary worth of your brand is quite important to run the business successfully. So, if your website has bad designs, no customer would like to visit it, and as a result, a few people will know about your business. Consequently, it will affect the brand value.

3. Visibility:

The more impressive and easy-to-use designs, the more people will like to visit your website. It is as simple as that. Likewise, people will search your website and find it to take services. So, impressive UX and UI increase the visibility of your business.

4. Navigation:

When you take professional design services, your website gets flawless navigation incorporated. The website designers and CMS add a list of links to other pages on your website, and it helps in smooth navigation. As a result, the customers can consume information without much effort.

5. Customer Retention:

Bad UI and UX design affect the conversion rate and lead to bounce rate. Customer retention is important for a company, and poor designs don’t allow it. Impressive UX helps your products and services to please your existing customers.

6. Usage of Resources:

Often, people face difficulties finding services or answers on a website. They have to struggle to reach the required page and can’t use website resources properly. Simple and easy-to-use designs on a website help the customers find services in a short time.

7. Revenue Generation:

The ultimate goal of a website redesign is to generate revenue by attracting more traffic. If designs are not responsive and attractive, it becomes hard for a business to generate good revenue. Moreover, updated and trendy designs also affect revenue.

5 Crucial Factors to Find a Reliable Website Design Company?

If want to hire a website design company, how will you do that? It is because there are several front-end development agencies. Don’t be quick in this process, because the entire impression of your website depends on the development company you select. There are several factors you have to focus on while choosing a UI and UX design company, but the below-mentioned 5 factors are more important. Let’s know about them.

1. Clients of the Company:

Who have taken the services from a company can tell you the truth about the website design services. So, talk to the clients of a development company and know about the quality of services it offers.

2. Reviews & Feedback:

You must check the reviews and feedback about the custom web design company you are going to hire. It will help you know what people think about the particular service provider so that you can make the right decision.

3. Experience:

Experienced developers of a firm can easily offer you the website of your dream. Moreover, they can customize the designs as per the needs of your business objectives. For this, always check the portfolio of a company and talk to experts in the company.

4. Technologies:

Do you want your website to have obsolete designs? No. So, you should find the technologies the company work on. Find the products developed by the firm and the technologies used in these products’ development.

5. Types of Services:

You must be aware of the types of services and the policies of a company so that you don’t have to face difficulties at the end of the day. If a company provides you with NDA, post-launch maintenance, transparent communication, and timely delivery, you can think of going for it.

As per this write-up now you have information about how UX and UI affect a website impression. So, if your website is also not getting enough leads or lacks engagement, it's time to redesign the UI and UX of your website.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. — Steve Jobs.

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How UX & UI Affect the Website Impression?

21 Launches

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Published on June 01, 2022

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