
How to grow potatoes in bags


On poor soils, it is difficult to get a good harvest of best potato grow bags. Another summer residents are faced with the problem of lack of space on the site for planting the desired crops. These two problems solve the cultivation of potatoes in bags, which is suitable even for the most unfavorable conditions. We will consider in stages all the technology. It is much simpler than the traditional planting of the garden.

Advantages of using bags:

Plantation occupies a minimum of space, can be located anywhere;

Labor costs are significantly reduced: no need to plow the ground, hill and plow bushes;

subject to pre -treatment of soil, potatoes in bags are almost not susceptible to diseases and pests;

The harvest takes less time.

Disadvantages of the method:

We have to constantly control the humidity of the soil;

The bags should be stable, sometimes it is not easy to build a reliable structure;

To increase productivity, it is advisable to use nutritious soil, which is prepared separately from humus;

The used land must be children somewhere (disposal).

Potato cultivation technology in bags

1. The choice of landing containers and places for the garden. You can plant potatoes both in special bags (in the photo) and in ordinary ones, in which sugar, flour or cereal were previously stored. Some summer residents adapt even garbage bags for this purpose. It is not necessary to use new bags, the old ones are also suitable, if only they were not very holy and could hold the soil.

The plot should be located in a well -clamped place. To the garden you need to organize free access for plant care. At the same time, drains from the roof should not fall into the potatoes. To save space, bags are often placed on the sunny side along the garden paths, near the walls, fences or terraces.

You should think in advance about the stability of bags with potatoes so that in the process of growth they do not turn over. The bags can be covered on the wall, slightly dig into the ground or build any homemade support, for example, from bricks.

Dark garbage bags are also suitable, but due to low strength and the need to do drainage, this is not the best option.

2. Preparation of soil. Potatoes in bags require more nutrients than tubers growing in open ground. The best option is the soil from a mixture of garden land and compost in equal proportions. You can use ordinary land without fertilizers, but the yield will be lower.

It is better to prepare the soil in the fall - to rinse, scare or treat with chemicals so that weeds and pests that do not get into the bags, which are difficult to fight in conditions of limited space.

3. Work with planting material. For growing in bags, potatoes of early varieties are better suited, which quickly keeps up with, reducing the time of planting, but medium -late varieties can be planted.

Previously, the tubers are rejected, disinfected and germinated. Depending on the selected method, this is done 7-20 days before planting.

The simplest solution: 10-15 days before landing, the purified garlic is passed through the press, poured with cold water (10 liters per 1 kg of garlic), mix and insist 2 hours. Then they soak the tubers in the infusion (must be completely covered with solution) for 5 hours. Garlic will protect planting material from diseases and stimulate growth. After processing, the potatoes are laid out in a well-ventilated bright place with a temperature of 14-18 ° C for germination. When sprouts appear 2-5 cm long, you can start landing, it is better not to throw out the tubers immediately.

4. Planting. The landing begins with the onset of steady heat, usually the end of April or early May. The bags are installed in the selected place. The edges are half wrapped in order to make it easier to fill the earth.

At the bottom of the bags with a layer of 25-30 cm, loose moist soil (a mixture of humus and earth) or ordinary soil from the site is covered with a layer of 25-30 cm. Further on the surface, tubers (preferably sprouted) at a distance of at least 3-4 cm from each other are laid out on the surface. Depending on the size of the potatoes in each bag, they usually put 2-4 pieces. Then they fall asleep potatoes with a layer of 15-20 cm of well-loosened soil.

After 8-15 days, the first entrances will appear. When the sprouts reach a length of 10-15 cm, the plants sprinkle with earth so that only the upper pair of leaves remains on top. The pushing procedure is repeated several times until two -thirds of the bag are filled with earth. Thanks to this, the plant forms new roots on which more tubers will appear.

5. Care. Moisture in bags evaporates very quickly, so potatoes should be watered often and abundantly, especially during flowering, when the first tubers are formed. The soil must not be allowed, otherwise the plants will die. This is the only important task when caring for potatoes in bags.

Once per season, plants can be fed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. The drugs are diluted according to the instructions and applied with liquid form from the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush. It is important not to overdo it with nitrates and nitrogen, which slow down ripening and worsen the quality of potatoes. 

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How to grow potatoes in bags

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Published on December 19, 2022

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