
Home Security Checklist for 2021


We tend to take home security for granted and don’t spend too much time thinking about it until we become a victim of a break-in. And then it’s already late to mourn over things that we should have done. You should consider home security and make sure that everything is the way it’s supposed to be. We often tend to overlook some basic home security issues, that are common sense and implied. We will mention both these and some additional ones that you can use to upgrade your home’s security levels. Take a look at our complete home safety and security checklist and make your home safer.

1. Consider doors and windows

When speaking about home security, matter number one are the doors and windows on our home. First things first, the door(s) need to be made of sturdy material. A flimsy door is simply liability as a burglar can easily kick it and tear it down. As for the windows, you should replace any broken ones as soon as the damage happens. Check if they can be forced open. Either way, a burglar can easily break open a window on your home and open it from inside, providing a clear entrance to your home. In order to avoid this, you should carefully consider the locks on both doors and windows in your home.

2. Update the locks

For superior home protection, you should install deadbolts on both windows and doors. There is also a double cylinder lock, which provides extra protection. This is a perfect option for using on windows. However, for locks to be working properly, you should install them in the right way. If you’re not sure how to do that, you can easily find a professional who will do the job efficiently. In case this is your first time requiring such services, search for a ‘locksmith near me’, and opt for a reliable and professional company. In this way, you’ll be sure that your home is well-protected and you can relax when leaving your home.

3. Trim the bushes and shrubs

Tall and untrimmed bushes and shrubs are generally not a good idea, as they tend to be viewed as good hiding places. You should always keep them neat and trimmed. When thinking about the house to break into, burglars always consider the front of your house, including the trees, plants and bushes. It makes the job easier for them. Having a place to hide easily makes them go unnoticed. So, make sure that you don’t give them the satisfaction of providing a good hiding place.

4. Light up your home

This is another important factor that you need to consider when thinking about home security. Illuminating your home is also an important aspect when it comes to preventing burglaries and break-ins. Make sure that all parts are lit up, both the front and back. Motion-sensor lighting is a popular option nowadays, as it lights up only when it picks up some motions, so it gives you plenty of time to check out the reason and react accordingly.

5. Think about a home security system

On the other hand, a home security system includes video surveillance, among other things and it is a perfect way to monitor and keep your home safe from intruders. Some new, upgraded versions also include motion sensors as well as glass break detectors. Nowadays, you can even have remote access via your smartphone or laptop, as well as 24/7 professional monitoring. This is quite a professional and hence, expensive alternative but there are also some other, cheaper DIY options available as well.

6. Remember to lock up

Having deadbolts and locks and not using them is fairly reckless. If you have the necessary locks, then, by all means, use them. Don’t overlook them. Check them before leaving your house. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

7. Manage the repairs promptly

In cases of any damages, breakages, or loose doors and windows, act promptly on fixing them. You and your family are not safe while this is the case. Do a frequent check-up to make sure that everything is the way it’s supposed to be.

The modern age brings so many advantages when it comes to the security and safety of our home and we should use them wisely. There are also disadvantages, the main being using social networking sites recklessly and posting tons of photos of being on vacation, hence, suggesting to all the criminals out there that your home might be empty.

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Home Security Checklist for 2021

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Published on December 31, 2020

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