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5 Ways a Trademark Prosecution Lawyer Can Help


Trademark lawyers are always at your aid if you want to register your trademark and keep the process smooth. Let's find out more about them.

Intellectual property rights development has led to an upsurge in the need for trademark lawyers in India. Trademarks have evolved into an essential part of operating a business. Increasingly, companies across India are applying for trademarks.

Trademark enables them to stand out and functions as a prime mechanism for publicity and selling their products. Primarily, a trademark differentiates the goods and services of one merchant from those of others, and it confirms that there is no mess in the consumer's mind as they can pinpoint the source and genuineness of a product.

You can easily apply for trademark registration in Mumbaionline with a relatively straightforward process. However, as uncomplicated as the trademark registration process may appear, choosing the right trademark is no easy task to crack. It is where the trademark prosecution lawyer helps you. Here are five ways listed in which a trademark lawyer can help you:

Ease of Mind

It is very challenging to put a price tag on ease of mind. While there are many financial advantages to working with a trademark lawyer to get a trademark registration, the most valuable piece of the registration may be the serenity of mind you earn when you obtain your registration certificate.

According to the trademark act 1999, without registration, any person could apply suit for the trademark. They can claim that they were using the trademark in business before your use. With registration in writing, it is believed that you not only are the proper proprietor of the mark but that you have exclusive rights to use it in trade.

It is essential as you expand your label and business. The last thing you like is to hear from another person suddenly, who declares rights to your trademark, demands that you cease using it, and says you must pay up for your illegal usage to date.


If you have a trademark registration, you can use it against others. Often, you will have a trademark lawyer to help you in this procedure.

This leverage can be essential when an individual or contending business chooses to use a trademark identical to yours to the degree that it is likely to bewilder consumers whether you are affiliated with their usage.

Without registration, your trademark lawyer may plead common law rights to the trademark, but it is a much more complex matter to prove. With registration in writing, your trademark lawyer will mention the valid registration and request that the apparent infringer rebrand or else encounter the outcomes.

Financial Prospects

Having a trademark lawyer to help gain a trademark registration is not only about keeping ease of mind and telling others to rebrand so as not to complicate the consumers. It may also form many revenue-generating possibilities that would not necessarily be there without the trademark registration in writing.

With the right trademark lawyer, these arrangements are possible and can get organized in a way where there are many protections and rights for the trademark holder.

Litigation Alternative

As per the trademark act 1999, If you have a trademark registration, you can file a lawsuit against any infringers in court. When you prove the violation, you can potentially obtain a demand to stop the infringer from persisting in using the trademark at point, an order that directs the infringer to eradicate items carrying the infringing trademark, reimbursement of your trademark lawyer costs, and significant, monetary comfort.

Withdrawal Opportunities

You may not now be considering it, but, at some point, you could be in the circumstances to sell your business. In their diligence, buyers almost always look at what kind of intellectual property portfolio is retained by the seller.

Like holding a portion of land, possessing a trademark is a right that does not lapse unless you fail to make periodic renewal payments and prove that you are still utilizing the trademarks in business.

When you purchase a house, you are not just purchasing the setup; you are purchasing the land. Likewise, when a business buys another business, it is not just purchasing the assets and liabilities but also what may be beneficial intellectual property, including trademarks. Right trademark lawyers always watch out for this.


A trademark prosecution lawyer will help you register a trademark, gain consideration from choosing and registering a trademark, or take action against infringers who may be meddling with your trademark. Further, the benefit of hiring a trademark lawyer to help in the trademarking procedure is that the right trademark lawyer will have a lot of experience with the whole trademarking procedure.

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5 Ways a Trademark Prosecution Lawyer Can Help

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Published on January 04, 2023

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