
Martin Gray


Martin Gray has a BSc Degree in MediaLab Arts from the University of Plymouth. He currently lives in New York City. He is fantastic.

  • 20 Stories

Martin's Stories

Published in the Life collection
July 20, 2022

The need of A Successful Ankle and Foot Surgeon

In the field of orthopedics, sometimes many do not understand the specialization of the doctor.

100 Launches
Published in the Something Else collection
November 09, 2020

Common Mistakes that Social Media Managers Make â€...

Lets Go Viral Now LLC is a private company that specializes in helping clients make the most of...

32 Launches
Published in the Something Else collection
November 07, 2020

Mentorship is a critical part of improving healthc...

Leonard Achan. The healthcare executive, entrepreneur, and artist based in New York highlights...

27 Launches
Published in the Happenings collection
November 03, 2020

An Insight to The Mission of RestoreHER, Policy Ad...

RestoreHER strived to Provide Incarcerated Georgian Women the Right to Basic Hygiene Product & Prote

239 Launches
Published in the Self-Help collection
November 03, 2020

The World Protection Group: A Review of Drone Syst...

At present, The World Protection Group, Inc. is the only executive security business that uses drone

171 Launches

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